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Welcome to Rodenya

17 sessions into the campaign, our intrepid group arrives in Rodenya, a city boasting a blend of desert and tropics and teeming with life. This marked the beginning of an expedition into the unknown for our group. Rodenya, the jewel of the Southern nation, unfolded before them like a vivid tapestry woven with threads of danger and beauty; humidity that slapped you in the face like a wet towel at a sauna.

Its bustling fish markets, the oppressive heat, and the omnipresent threat posed by an active volcano looming overhead, all combined to create an environment that was both exhilarating and ominous.

As our friends stepped off the ship, they discreetly doubled the captain's fee for his silence. This wasn't hush money for smuggling exotic fruits per se, but rather, for the unspoken adventures that seemed to follow this group like a persistent salesperson. Farewells were exchanged with Keywe and Boathie, two individuals whose lives had intertwined with theirs under mysterious circumstances that drew them into a Coral Dragon's lair.

The adventurers' immediate destination was the Lucky Loft, an establishment that had managed to earn a reputation for comfort in a city where comfort was a relative term. Attached to it was The Witch's Kitchen, a place that promised to turn dining into an adventure.

Assuming the role of tour guide, Cassus, whose knowledge of the city seemed, led May and Edward the bustling market streets. He spun tales, painting the city with strokes of his imagination, making the streets come alive with stories, with the intoxicating scent of spices and the sea contributing to the dramatics. As both a guide and avid storyteller, Cassus painted a picture insisted Rodenya was considered the heart of geopolitics in the region.

Their journey through the city took a curious turn as they encountered an anti-taxation rally, a fervent demonstration of the citizens' unrest. This, however, was merely a glimpse into the complexities that lay beneath Rodenya's surface, a surface that would soon reveal its complex secrets to the adventurers.

May's attention was caught by a lavender tiefling selling cosmetics, named Joy. Cherish, another tiefling who seemed to be a colleague or apprentice of Joy, supported Joy's questionable ingredients, but did give subtle warnings hinting at maybe a slight bit of danger in the ingredients that lay in the pursuit of beauty in Rodenya.

The group's exploration took them to a magic shop, where the air was thick with secrecy and the promise of hidden knowledge. Here, they met Devon, a figure who seemed to embody the city's dual nature of hospitality and hazard. The shop, a seeming façade for... something... offered them a glimpse into a clandestine world that possibly thrummed beneath Rodenya's bustling streets.

Finally, as they made their way back to the Lucky Loft, the unexpected occurred: they witnessed a commotion in the alleyways that led them to a confrontation with elemental forces. Uri, a figure from the city's citizen militia, presented the group with a mission that intertwined their fate with the mysteries of Rodenya, setting them on a path that would lead them into the heart of darkness.

Venturing deeper into the heart of Rodenya, our travelers find themselves not just exploring the city, but becoming a part of its endless, enchanting story, a story that promised more questions than answers.

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